When the CEO of Cristies Wants to Pay Me for SEX

Dear David, as I told you in my previous letter, I met through a good friend/client of mine a very important person from a well-known auction house. He is the CEO of that well-known auction house, Cristies. Short story: his desire was to pay me to have sex with some of his clients. To convince […]

Art, Sex, and Money! How I Become an Escort for a Well-Known Art Gallery!

Dear David, today I will tell you about a sex-business that I have if before the coronavirus. how an art gallery paid me to have sex with their clients! One of my client work as a director for an international blue-chip gallery. At the beginning of this year, he proposed to me to make more […]

My Soul is in Quarantine

Dear David, today I received a message from my ex. he reminds me that we meet 6 years ago. I wish I could not receive any message from him. Because his text makes my soul feel… blue. Sad. I realized that my heart, my soul is in quarantine for a few years now. No one […]

To hate or not to hate DAVID GEFFEN?

Dear David, today I will write this letter to you about David Geffen and how he was “killed“ by the media and social media. I was mention this situation in my previous post: “Sex in the time of Coronavirus“. But how everything was started? Last week David Geffen (77 years old) posted on his Instagram […]

SEX in the Time of CORONAVIRUS

Dear David, I was never thinking that I will write to you about this topic: Sex in the time of Coronavirus. I am shocked. I can’t believe what we all live now. Crazy times! I’ve been through a lot of things and clients in the last months. With good and bad. I started – to […]

I did a threesome with a gay couple and I didn’t like it!

Dear David, I just came from a gay couple. They booked me and even I don’t do this in general, I accept because both were good looking. I left the house thinking about what sex I will have! Unfortunately, it wasn’t fun at all! We met and of course, I liked one more than the […]

My Top 10 Gay Prostitute Resolutions List For 2020

Dear David, because it is the beginning of this year, I am sending to you my top 10 Resolutions list for 2020. I don’t think you received before a list of resolutions from a gay prostitute, but here we are if you want to know me for real, as I am as a person. I […]

Pee On My Mouth! I Want To Be Your Toilet!

Dear David, you know that when we were talking about people’s fantasies about sex… some of them have more than a lot of imagination. For example, Harry, one of my special clients, have all the times unusual requests for me. Yesterday was a rainy day. Harry proposed to me to go and see an exhibition […]

OMG! My First Client Gives Me a Gumjob!

Dear David, it comes a day when one of my agencies text me on WhatsApp to go to a client. She told me what I need to know about this request, how I should act and the address. Plus, the client wants me for 3 hours! OMFD! When I am thinking now I didn’t know […]

Why I Become a Gay Prostitute?

Dear David, I am starting now those letters for you because I feel to share my life with you when you are not… here. Those will not be love letters. Those letters/posts will be part of me, as I am. With all my good and bad. With all my beautiful scars. Because I want you […]