A Very Important News Anchor, Known as SILVER FOX, Touched My Dick in a Restroom!

Dear David, today I realized that the guy who followed me into a restroom at the Armory Show to touch my dick is a very well-known international celebrity, a best-selling author, and the primary anchor at a News American Television Chanel. He is known as Silver Fox. Remembered when I told you that in 2017, […]

My Soul is in Quarantine

Dear David, today I received a message from my ex. he reminds me that we meet 6 years ago. I wish I could not receive any message from him. Because his text makes my soul feel… blue. Sad. I realized that my heart, my soul is in quarantine for a few years now. No one […]

I did a threesome with a gay couple and I didn’t like it!

Dear David, I just came from a gay couple. They booked me and even I don’t do this in general, I accept because both were good looking. I left the house thinking about what sex I will have! Unfortunately, it wasn’t fun at all! We met and of course, I liked one more than the […]

My Top 10 Gay Prostitute Resolutions List For 2020

Dear David, because it is the beginning of this year, I am sending to you my top 10 Resolutions list for 2020. I don’t think you received before a list of resolutions from a gay prostitute, but here we are if you want to know me for real, as I am as a person. I […]

When a Client Tries to… KILL ME!

Dear David, my life as a gay prostitute is not easy at all. A client just beat me so hard on the street, in the middle of the day, in the center of London and no one says anything. I was very close to dying. If I was socked? If I was surprised? I don’t […]